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June 1, 2020 – Business Continuity Plan

Crossroads Healthcare Management LLC (“Crossroads”) is committed to providing continuous, uninterrupted service to its clients and their membership; however, we recognize that there are potential risks that could disrupt our ability to do so.  We are confident that we have taken the necessary steps that will allow us to reduce or eliminate the impact of any potential disruption in services.

Crossroads recognizes the responsibility we have to our clients and their membership.  As such, we have implemented a Business Continuity Program with a strong governance model and commitment from senior management.  Our program’s objectives are twofold – (1) meet the needs of our clients and their membership; and (2) maintain the safety and well-being of our employees.  The planning process is risk based and involves the understanding and prioritization of critical operations across the company, the anticipation of probable threats, and the proactive development of strategies to mitigate the impact of those events.

Our continuity planning team has identified three large-scale scenarios that could result in a “Disruptive Event” and require particular focus: (1) pandemics; (2) events impacting public health and/or public safety such as acts of terror, natural disasters, and the like; and (3) cyber events.  Detailed response plans have been developed and cross-discipline teams have been trained to address day-to-day disruptions as well as these specific events.

Crossroads has developed the capability to recover both operations and systems.  All continuity plans are designed to account for disruptions of various lengths and scopes, and to ensure that critical functions are recovered to meet their business objectives.  Crossroads’ dedicated technology staff works to ensure that critical applications and data have sufficient redundancy and availability to minimize the impact of a Disruptive Event.  Key components of Crossroads’ continuity and technology recovery plans include, but are not limited to:

  • Critical operation systems backup and recovery protocols, including back-up telecommunications and computer systems; and
  • Data backup and recovery protocols;
  • Secure, off-site storage of all encrypted data;
  • Alternative means of communication with our clients and their membership;
  • Employee safety programs.

Plans are tested regularly to ensure effectiveness should an actual event occur.  Crossroads’ Business Continuity Program is reviewed no less than annually to ensure that the appropriate updates are made to account for operations, technology, and regulatory changes.

In sum, Crossroads’ Business Continuity Program is designed to permit the company to resume operations as quickly and seamlessly as possible should a Disruptive Event occur.  For more information, or if you have questions about our Business Continuity Program, please contact us at 718-303-7700 or visit us at